Middle/High School

If you are the parent of a middle or high schooler this is the spot to find all you need to know about upcoming events, schedules, etc.

Our hope for our middle school youth is that they do not just learn ABOUT God... but EXPERIENCE God in ways that lead to a deeper understanding of what difference God makes in their lives.


confirmationLutherans have been figuring out what confirmation means for a long time. At Vinje we are committed to providing middle and high school youth a safe space to talk with their peers and adults about what faith means to them. Our hope is that when youth are confirmed in the fall of their 10th grade year that they are able to make an honest and meaningful confession of their faith.

Youth meet throughout the school year on Wednesday nights to explore God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and what Jesus is up to in the world. We meet in large groups, small groups, and with a mentor. We learn, we teach, we serve, we pray, and we worship. We explore scripture, Luther’s small catechism, music, television, movies, and real life moments as part of our journey.

  • Confirmation is every Wednesday evening from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. (Supper at 5:00 pm)
  • The evening begins with supper at 5:00 pm, worship at 6:00 pm, and small group confirmation instruction from 6:45 - 8:00 pm.

Contact Pastor Justin with questions. 

Nova / Shalom

Nova is a choir made up of 6-9th graders. We rehearse on Wednesdays at 5:25 pm in the choir room.

Shalom is a choir made up of 10-12th graders and meets on Wednesdays at 6:45 pm in the choir room.

Nova and Shalom lead Sunday and Wednesday worship services with contemporary music several times each year.

These choirs are directed by Sue Michelson and Travis Michelson and provide a relaxed, fun opportunity for music and fellowship.

Mission Trips

high school mission trip

Vinje’s youth are passionate about serving others and getting to know those they serve. God calls us to acts of service and generosity every day and while we are thrilled to be serving in Willmar we know we are also called outside of our own community as well.

In the past few years God has led our middle and high school youth to Chicago, Denver, Nashville, Milwaukee, and Saint Louis. We’ve painted houses, shared food, played with kids, but the most important part of our service is building relationships with those we meet.