As we are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we are being baptized into a story, into a particular way of seeing the world, of seeing God, and of seeing each other. This story is grounded in God's love, grace, and mercy for the world.
As we are baptized into God's story of grace we are claimed as a "child of God." This name helps to shape our identity, our mission, and our purpose. In a world where many organizations seek to claim individuals as their own we believe that it is God's story that has the power to transform and give "LIFE" to the world.
If you or your child would like to be baptized please contact one of the Pastors at the church office, 320-235-1441. Also, we ask that you fill out our Baptismal Information Form.
Three-five year olds are invited to join us each Wednesday during the school year from 5-5:30 pm for Wednesday Live! Pre-K! During this time, we'll sing, play and learn with our pre-k friends! Contact Erica with questions.
Kids' Time! is offered every Sunday during worship. Kids meet in the library at the beginning of worship for a special lesson and project just for them! After this, they will head into the sanctuary to join the congregation for the Children's Message, Communion and the closing of worship.
Contact Erica with questions.