Youth Activities Begin Sept 11!

If you are not familiar with the youth programming opportunities here at Vinje (or maybe you need a refresher!), here’s what we have to offer…


Pre-K Wednesday Live! is another great opportunity for kids ages three to five. They will meet in the library from 4:45-5:30 pm for singing, story time and an activity.

Wednesday Live! takes place each Wednesday from 3:30 pm–5:30 pm and welcomes all kindergarteners through 5th graders. Kids will meet for snack, bible time, games, crafts, and singing.

Wednesday supper at Vinje is available from 5-6 pm (free will donation)! These meals vary from week to week and include pizza, hotdishes, soups and more.

Nova Shalom is our youth choir for 6 -12th graders. They will meet in the choir room each Wednesday evening from 5:25-6 pm for casual rehearsals. They lead one Wednesday worship service each month and also participate in Sunday worship services occasionally.

Worship takes place each Wednesday from 6–6:45 pm. This is a casual, contemporary service. All are welcome! Please join us!

Confirmation for 6th-10h graders takes place each week from 6:45-8 pm. They participate in scripture/teaching/real life lessons, have mentor check-ins, complete service projects and even have a bit of friendly competition!

Senior High Youth Group includes all 10-12th graders. This group meets every Wednesday night after worship, from 6:45-8 pm. They talk about how God plays a role in their everyday life, now and even after they graduate high school. Youth will gather with adult leaders (and sometimes our 9th grade students too) to do service work, chat, and have fun as they grow in their faith and care for their community around them.


Early Childhood Family Sunday School will be the 1st Sunday of the month from October through April at 8:30 am in Room 102. ECFSS is for children from birth to age three and their parents. This class is a faith development class teaching and engaging through songs and play. We provide a social, interactive, and family-friendly setting for our littlest members to grow and learn! No registration needed.

Sunday Kids Time takes place during Sunday morning worship and is geared for children ages three through second grade. During this time, children will hear a story and participate in a craft or activity. Children can be dropped off in the library at 9:25 am and will be welcomed back into worship following the message.

Please CLICK HERE to register for kids! If you are new or have questions about any of these activities, please contact Erica at [email protected].

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