Make Your 2024 Stewardship Pledge Today


Thank you for the many ways you support Vinje and its ministries. It is our gifts, gathered together, that allow us to continue growing together in our love of God and our love for one another. Over the years this congregation has not only changed the lives of people within our walls, but we have been inspired to share God’s love with the community and world around us. As we keep worshiping together, learning together, and listening together to where God is leading us, we continue to grow in our faith and in our service toward those around us.

This past year, our children and youth programming has continued to grow in both numbers and engagement. Young families are hearing about what we have happening here at Vinje and are signing their children up to experience faith-filled, fun, and service opportunities with us! We have seen a 13% increase in children attending Wednesday Live and a 30% increase in Confirmation (not to mention the average worship attendance increase of 11%!).

This past year, we have continued to grow in the impact we have on the community around us. Through partnerships with Family Promise, the Kandiyohi County Food Shelf, LSS, UCAP, United Way, and more, we serve real needs in our community. We look forward to welcoming a new refugee family to Willmar in December, and helping them get on their feet. We continue to ask the question of how we can be a part of what God is doing to make the world around us better.

As you know, it takes dollars to make the work of the church happen. Just like in our budgets at home, costs for the church seem to increase every year. We rely on gifts from you not only to do the everyday work we do, but to continue to grow in the impact we make in our community. This chart gives a picture of our current giving and the increase in gifts we’d like to see so that we can continue the excellent ministry that happens here. Study the chart. See where you are now and if you can be one of those who increases your giving to the next level. Would you prayerfully consider growing your giving, even giving an extra $5 or $10 per week to support our ministry?

During the month of November, we’ll hear more about the ways Vinje makes a difference to everyday people like you. We’re asking you to consider a financial commitment to help Vinje keep Growing Together. Please take the time to prayerfully consider how you can support our church in 2024 through your gifts. You can use the pledge card that was mailed to you or make your pledge online!

As always, know that whatever gifts you share are so valuable to our ministries. Thank you for considering an increase in your financial gifts again this year so we can make important ministry happen together. Thanks for Growing Together with us, and for all you do for Vinje and beyond. 

Pastor Dane and the Vinje Stewardship Team