Fall Registration!

It’s that time of year again…and we can’t wait! We’ve fun activities for all Vinje kids (from age three through high schoolers!) beginning soon!

New to Vinje? We’d love to have your kids join us for all faith formation activities at our church! Please check out all the opportunities below and then register at the link at the bottom of the page so we know what programs you’re interested in, and so we can get a little information about you!

Regulars to Vinje? We still like you! We hope you kinda like us, too! Please help us out by filling out our faith formation registration form below. We’re excited for another great year of learning and fun with your kids!

Kids’ Time (Sundays during worship) On Sunday mornings, we are starting a new opportunity for kids that will take place during worship. Kids ages 3 through second grade will attend worship with their families for the first part of the service. Then, before the sermon begins, they will be invited to “Kids’ Time” where they will join a Vinje staff member for stories, music, and learning through play!
Wednesday Live! All kindergarteners through 5th graders are invited to join us from 3:30-5:30 pm each Wednesday for Wednesday Live! where we’ll enjoy snacks, crafts, music lessons and other fun activities!
Wednesday Live! Pre-K! This is a fun “Sunday School” opportunity for Vinje’s three through five year olds! Crafts, stories, singing and fun take place each Wednesday from 5-5:30! We meet in the library!
Nova & Shalom Choirs are always looking for new singers! We will meet in the choir room at 5:25pm and Shalom each Wednesday. This is a very fun, low-key opportunity to sing favorite praise and worship songs and enjoy some treats! We will sing for Wednesday worship on occasion!
Confirmation for grades 6-8 will take place on Wednesdays from 6-8 pm. At 6pm, you will gather for worship (you may sit with your family or with your other confirmation classmates). Following worship, we will gather to explore what we believe and why faith matters. Pastor Justin will lead a large group conversation before you are split into smaller groups the rest of the night.
9th Grade Confirmation! As new high school youth we have a new experience in store for you on Wednesdays. We will meet each week after worship for fun activities, meaningful conversations, service to others, and some off-site explorations of what God is up to in our community. You won’t want to miss this year of the confirmation journey!
10 Grade Confirmation! 10th graders will be confirmed in worship on October 30 but there is a lot to do before that day. You’ll meet every Wednesday after worship for conversations with the pastors, opportunities to write your faith statement, and fun youth group activities.
High School Youth Group! Jon and Mark will once again be back in the youth room to hang out with you! Video games, skeeball, homework, games, youth choice nights and offsite fun make this a great opportunity for those post-confirmation kids! Meet in the youth room after worship!

As always, our Wednesday nights will include a meal (pizza, bbqs, tacos, pasta bar, etc) from 5-6 pm followed by worship at 6 pm.

We can’t wait to see you on Wednesday, September 13th for our first night of 2023-24 programming!

Questions? Give us a call at 320.235.1441.